eco magazine

New monthly economics magazine launched

CEPR fellow and long-time VoxEU collaborator, Tito Boeri has put together a new monthly economics magazine. The magazine is focussed on Italy but with a European focus, and is available in Italy in print and digital formats. From issue two onwards it is also available (digital-only) in English – see below for further details.

Tito Boeri

Full Professor and Head of the Economics Department Bocconi University; Senior Visiting Professor London School Of Economics And Political Science

eco is a new monthly magazine dedicated to economics and evidence based policy evaluation.

Funded by independent journalist Enrico Mentana and directed by Tito Boeri, eco offers an in-depth and accessible analysis of the contemporary economic world, with a focus on the Italian and European landscape. eco aims at reaching the broad public without the mediation of opinion makers and journalists. Available in both paper (for the Italian version, within Italy) and browsable online formats in English and Italian, the magazine contains authoritative contributions from economists and social scientists. The main distribution channels in Italy are newsstands and supermarkets, targeting an audience made up of both loyal newspaper readers, persons interested in improving their financial literacy and young people interested in the economic debate.

eco will support itself financially thanks to the revenues generated from purchases, and advertising, thus guaranteeing its editorial independence. The English version will be made available within a week of publication of the Italian version. 

Issue two, which, in advance of the EU elections, focusses on European economic sovereignity, is now available in an English version, and includes contributions on (among other topics) EU defence, trade with China, border controls and migration, fear of tech apocalypse and the rise of AI. 

You can find out more and subscribe to the magazine at

Here, to whet your appetite, is the contents page for issue two:

Eco magazine contents page