Angelo Baglioni

Associate Professor of Economics at Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore

Angelo Baglioni is an Associate Professor of Economics at Catholic University of Milan. He is member of the Scientific and Steering Committee of the Monetary Analysis Laboratory at Catholic University of Milan. He has recently been Visiting Professor at the University of Siena. He previously was an Economist in the Research Dpt. of Banca Commerciale Italiana - BCI (now Banca Intesa SanPaolo). He graduated at Bocconi University (Laurea in Economics) and at the University of Pennsylvania (M.A. in Economics). His main research interests are in the fields of monetary policy, financial intermediation, and corporate governance. He has written books and articles in several journals, including: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Economic Inquiry, and Economics Letters. He is a contributor to and is currently working at the research project Monetary, Fiscal and Structural Policies with Heterogeneous Agents (POLHIA), sponsored by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (