Conchita D’Ambrosio is Professor of Economics, FNR PEARL Chair on socio-economic inequalities, at Université du Luxembourg. She is an economist, with a Ph.D. from New York University (2000). Her research interests have revolved around the study of individual and social well-being and its determinants. Her research focus is both theoretical and applied. Her work provides theoretically-sound measures of various phenomena - such as economic insecurity, multidimensional poverty, relative deprivation, resilience, and social exclusion - that are becoming increasingly common in our societies. She also explores the impacts of various life events on measures of well-being via the use of panel and birth-cohort data. The traditional approach followed in the Social Sciences is here enriched with insights from Biology looking at variables related to DNA and DNA Methylation. She has been chief editor of the Review of Income and Wealth since 2008, joined the editorial board of the Journal of Economic Inequality in 2013, and is the editor of the Handbook of Research on Economic and Social Well-Being published by Edward Elgar in 2018.
VoxEU Column
The family consequences of job insecurity: Fertility and marriage
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