Cristina Vilaplana Prieto is a full professor at the University of Murcia and holds a PhD in Economics from the Carlos III University of Madrid. Practically, the beginning of her research career has coincided with the implementation in Spain of the System of Autonomy and Care for Dependency (SAAD), and this has been an incentive to analyze its effects in multiple areas. Moreover, in the past and in the present, she has been and is an informal caregiver, which she considers is very rewarding experience.
Her main contributions can be framed in the following areas: (i) the analysis of the causes and effects underlying informal care, (ii) the impact of SAAD on informal care provision, (iii) household decisions in the face of a health shock. She has published in Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Health Policy and European Journal of Health Economics, among others.