Guillermo de la Dehesa is currently Honorary Chairman of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), having been its Chairman for 15 years. He is also Chairman of the IE Business School and member of the Group of Thirty (G30) in Washington and the Eurogroup 50 in Brussels. Mr. de la Dehesa was also the Director General and later Secretary General at the Ministry of Foreign Trade, Secretary General at the Ministry of Industry and Energy and Secretary of State for Economy and Finance. He is a member of the ECOFIN in Brussels and of the OCDE in Paris and was Deputy Director General at Banco de EspaƱa, the Spanish Central Bank. Mr. de la Dehesa is Chairman of Queen Sophia National Museum of Contemporary Art and Trustee of El Prado National Museum in Madrid. He has authored nine books on Economics in Spanish, four in English and one in Chinese and has published over 100 papers on economic issues in different economics journals.
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