Mark Roberts is a Lead Urban Economist with the Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience and Land Global Practice of the World Bank, as well as the Bank’s Global Co-Lead for Spatial and Territorial Development. He is a lead author of the Bank’s recently launched Sustainable Development Flagship report, Thriving: Making Cities Green, Resilient and Inclusive in a Changing Climate, as well as of regional Flagship reports on urbanization for both South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Mark has also worked on the East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa regions, and acts as an advisor to Work Bank teams working on the analysis of processes of urban and spatial development. Mark has published more than thirty papers in peer-reviewed academic journals and edited book volumes, including in leading journals in the fields of urban and spatial economics. Prior to joining the World Bank, he was an Assistant Professor of spatial economics at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Murray Edwards College, Cambridge. Mark holds a PhD in Land Economy and an MA in Economics from the University of Cambridge, UK, as well as an MSc in Economics from Warwick University, UK.
VoxEU Column
Explaining the differences in productivity across cities: Evidence from 16 Latin American and Caribbean countries
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