Peter Debaere

Research Affiliate at Centre for Economic Policy Research, Associate Professor of Business at the Darden School of Business at University Of Virginia

Peter Debaere is Associate Professor of Business at the Darden School. He teaches FY classes on Global Economies and Markets. Debaere’s field of specialisation is international trade. His research has an empirical focus. He has investigated the extent to which key trade theories explain actual trade patterns. More recently, Debaere has focused on the specific impact of trade policies on trade flows, international prices and the extensive margin of trade and also on the operations of multinational corporations. Debaere’s research has been published in top general interest journals such as the Journal of Political Economy and field journals such as the Journal of International Economics. Before joining the Darden School of Business, Debaere was on the Faculty of the University of Texas, Austin. Currently, Debaere is a Research Affiliate at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in London.