Robert Slonim is a Professor in the Economics Discipline Group at University of Technology Sydney.
Before joining UTS, Bob held academic positions at the University of Sydney, the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University and the University of Pittsburgh. He is best recognised as a pioneer in the area of experimental economics and has written extensively on learning, trust, the economics of charitable behaviour and blood donations. In 2014-2020, Bob served as the founding co-editor of the Journal of the Economic Science Association. In his capacity as the Research Director of the Behavioural Economics Team of Australia (BETA) in the Prime Minister and Cabinet, he directed numerous behavioural economics projects across Commonwealth government agencies, including those in energy, education, environment, giving, social services, health, and human services, and provided educational lectures on the substantive role of behavioural economics in policy across government departments, including Treasury, Social Services, Veterans Affairs, and Attorney’s General.