Vito Polito is currently Reader in Economics at the University of Sheffield. Previously he held posts of Senior Lecturer at the University of Bath, Lecturer at the University of Cardiff and Doctoral Fellow at the University of York. He received his PhD from the University of York in 2009. Vito’s main research interests are in the fields of applied macroeconomics and econometrics. He is currently working on projects on: (i) sovereign debt sustainability in ageing economies; (ii) modelling time series with vector neural networks; (iii) fiscal policy multipliers at the zero lower bound; and (iv) dual labour markets and macroeconomic policy.
Vito is a fellow of CESifo and NETSPAR. He currently holds a NETSPAR Comparative Research Grant No. CRG2022.02. He is author of the Study Guide in Macroeconomics published by the London School of Economics (International Programmes). From 2003 to 2008 he worked as a Specialist Tax Consultant at the Italian Ministry of Finance. Vito lives in York (United Kingdom) with Carrie, Giuseppe and Filippa.
VoxEU Column
Pension system (un)sustainability and fiscal constraints: A comparative analysis
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Alternatives to credit-rating-agency assessment
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- International Finance