2nd WE_ARE_IN Macroeconomics and Finance conference
Thursday, 29 and Friday, 30 September 2022

Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland

The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the European Central Bank (ECB) are pleased to present the 2022 conference “WE_ARE_IN Macroeconomics and Finance”.

The aim of the conference is to bring together female experts who will present and discuss new research on macroeconomics and finance which is of particular interest to central banks.

Policy panel 
A policy panel on "Inflation is back: why and what next?" will take place on the first day of the conference. Moderated by Claire Jones (Financial Times). The Panel will be Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England, London School of Economics and CEPR), Beata Javorcik (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and CEPR) and Fernanda Nechio (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). 

WE_ARE_IN stands for Women in Economics: Advancing Research in Economics Internationally. It brings together two initiatives WE_ARE and WiM, which are based in Europe and the United States.

WE_ARE is a CEPR seminar series in which junior women present their work and receive constructive feedback from their peers and from senior women. WiM is an annual conference organised, with the support of the Becker Friedman Institute, by Marina Azzimonti (Stony Brook University and CEPR), Alessandra Fogli (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and CEPR), and Veronica Guerrieri (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business and CEPR) that features the work of Women in Macro and creates opportunities to strengthen their research and expand their networks.

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Lydia Williams in the CEPR Events team, at [email protected] with the subject line “WE_ARE_IN Macroeconomics and Finance”. 

Conference organisers

Fiorella De Fiore (Bank for International Settlements and CEPR)

Caterina Mendicino (European Central Bank)

Hélène Rey (London Business School and CEPR)

Programme committee

Ozge Akinci (Federal Reserve Bank of New York and CEPR)

Alina Bartscher (Danmarks Nationalbank)

Anusha Chari (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and CEPR)

Isabel Correia (Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics and CEPR)

Daria Finocchiaro (Riksbank and European Central Bank) 

Laura Gati (European Central Bank) 

Mariassunta Giannetti (Stockholm School of Economics and CEPR)

Deniz Igan (Bank for International Settlements and CEPR)

Martina Jasova (Barnard College, Columbia University)

Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan (University of Maryland and CEPR)

Silvia Miranda-Agrippino (Bank of England and CEPR)

Melina Papoutsi (European Central Bank) 

Monika Piazzesi (Stanford University and CEPR)

Claudia Ruiz Ortega (World Bank)

Vania Stavrakeva (London Business School and CEPR)

Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University and CEPR)

Victoria Vanasco (CREI, UPF, Barcelona GSE and CEPR)

Liliana Varela (London School of Economics and CEPR)

Dora Xia (Bank for International Settlements)