The Barcelona School of Economics (BSE) organises the Eleventh BSE Summer Forum. The Summer Forum is a series of independent workshops that cover the main fields of Economics. The Summer Forum 2024 will take place from June 5 to June 26, 2024. The venue will be Casa Convalescència in central Barcelona.
More detailed information on the Summer Forum 2024 and the previous editions is available on
We would like to invite you to submit a paper to the workshop:
The workshop will run for 2 days and will take place on June 12-13, 2024, in Barcelona.
This workshop aims at being a showcase of recent outstanding contributions in the broad literature on development economics. The workshop aims to create an annual meeting of top researchers in this field in the framework of the BSE Summer Forum. Both empirical and theoretical contributions are encouraged, and participation of both established seniors and promising junior researchers is expected. The workshop will have a duration of two days, with a total of 12 talks of 1 hour each.
The deadline for submissions is February 28, 2024. To submit a paper, please use this link Submissions should include, preferably, a full paper or an extended abstract with the main results. Authors chosen to present papers will be notified approximately by the end of March. A preliminary program will be announced by the end of April.
Please note that the BSE Summer Forum is a series of independent workshops. When you submit your paper, you will be able to see the topics and dates of all workshops that will take place within the Summer Forum. The same paper cannot be submitted to more than one workshop, but you are welcome to submit another paper to the same workshop or to a different one.
There is no registration fee, and meals during the workshop will be provided for participants. The organisation can cover up to 3 nights of accommodation for allpresenters. Limited travel budget for junior presenters without alternative funding sources is available upon request.
The workshop is funded by the European Union through ERC Starting Grant RUSTDEC (PI: Andre Groeger, GA101078719) and ERC Consolidator Grant ClimateAdapt (PI: Paula Bustos), and the University of Geneva/SNF. The BSE Summer Forum is one of the activities supported by the Severo Ochoa Program of Centers of Excellence (CEX2019-000915-S).
Workshop Organisers
- Paula Bustos ICREA-UPF and IPEG,)
- Giacomo De Giorgi (IEE/GSEM, University of Geneva)
- Andre Groeger (BSE and UAB)
- Gianmarco León-Ciliotta (UPF, IPEG and BSE)
- Melanie Morten (Stanford University)