RPN Climate
Research Policy Network (RPNs) Climate Change

Climate Change

This project has been retired.

Years active


The Climate Change RPN was established in January 2020. The network has been merged in 2024 with the Climate Change and the Environment Programme Area. 

Climate change has the potential to eliminate humankind from the Earth if our generation refuses to confront its responsibilities towards Humanity. In recent years, the crucial question has shifted from the nature of the climate problem to the shaping of the optimal societal answer. How should one adapt Society to address this question optimally? This CEPR network aimed at addressing this crucial question. This initiative generated, coordinated and disseminated academic research related to this existential issue. The network seeked to foster a dialogue among academics and policy makers about the optimal policies to deal with fighting climate change, both in terms of mitigation and adaptation.

The range of theory and policy questions is wide, from determining the optimal policy instruments to the estimation of the schedule of efficient carbon prices, the best strategy to solve the free-rider problem in international negotiations, the estimation of climate impacts, the issue of equity and burden-sharing, the role of green finance, the impact of risk and uncertainties in the urgency to reduce emissions, or the management of the political acceptability issue, to mention just a few items in the long list of hot topics in climate economics.



Jean Boissinot

Deputy Director, Financial Stability Banque De France; Head of Secretariat Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS)

Simone Borghesi

President European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Director FSR Climate European University Institute; Professor in Economic Policy University Of Siena

Estelle Cantillon

FNRS Research Director and Professor of Economics ECARES, Université Libre De Bruxelles

Carlo Carraro

Professor of Environmental Economics Ca' Foscari University Of Venice; Strategic Board Member EuroMediterranean Center on Climate change

Michael Greenstone

Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, Director of the Becker Friedman Institute and the Interdisciplinary Energy Policy Institute University Of Chicago

Phoebe Koundouri

University Professor Athens University Of Economics And Business; President-elect European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board International Centre for Research on the Environment and the Economy

Francesco Paolo Mongelli

Senior Adviser in Directorate General Monetary Policy European Central Bank; Honorary Professor Goethe University Frankfurt

Mirabelle Muuls

Associate Professor in Economics Imperial College London, Business School; Research Associate in the Growth Programme of the Centre for Economic Performance London School Of Economics And Political Science

Mar Reguant

IAE - CSIC Researcher; Research Fellow Barcelona School Of Economics; Professor Northwestern University

Frederick Van Der Ploeg

Professor of Economics University Of Oxford

Fellow, International Macroeconomics and Finance / Fellow, Macroeconomics and Growth / RPN Member, Preventing Conflict: Policies for Peace / Fellow, Climate Change and the Environment

Associate Fellow

Ottmar Edenhofer

Director Mercator Research Institute On Global Commons And Climate Change; Director and Chief Economist Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research; Professor Technical University Of Berlin

Fellow, Climate Change and the Environment

Meredith Fowlie

Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of California, Berkeley

Geoffrey Heal

Donald C. Waite III Professor of Social Enterprise Columbia University

Derek Lemoine

Research Associate National Bureau Of Economic Research (NBER); APS Professor and Director of Graduate Studies University Of Arizona

Symposium 2023 banner

Peace not Pollution: How Going Green Can Tackle Climate Change and Toxic Politics

Webinar Video

CEPR-EAERE Climate Policy 13: Proposal of a Global Climate Plan

For the 13th Episode of the CEPR/EAERE Webinar Series on Climate Policies, on Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 05:00-06:30 PM (CEST), Adrien Fabre (CIRED, CNRS) presented a Global Climate Plan. The presentation was followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the audience moderated by Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics, EAERE, CEPR & Climate Change RPN Leader).