CEPR’s Structural Transformation and Economic Growth (STEG) programme and the International Growth Centre (IGC) are delighted to jointly host the Conference on Structural Transformation, Growth, and Economic Development in recognition of the overlapping communities and interest areas of the two programmes. Both funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), STEG is a research initiative that aims to provide a better understanding of structural change, productivity, and growth in low- and middle-income countries, while IGC is a global research centre that works with policymakers in developing countries to promote inclusive and sustainable growth through pathbreaking research.

STEG’s third annual conference will gather researchers and practitioners working in the fields of structural transformation, growth, and economic development. The programme features presentations and keynotes on the latest research and policy at the frontier of these areas. In addition to full-length presentations, the conference will include two sessions of short presentations to showcase the breadth of research being carried out. Through the conference, we hope to highlight the diversity of research in the field and to disseminate some of the excellent research currently being funded by STEG.

Preceding this event, British International Investment (BII) is hosting the Private Sector Finance and Development Workshop on Wednesday 1 February in collaboration with the Private Sector Development Research Network (PSDRN), STEG, and the IGC.

The conference will take place in person by invitation at the London School of Economics, with presentations streamed to a broader external audience. Register here to attend the conference virtually. We will be in touch closer to the date to share the links to access the virtual stream. If you have any questions, please contact the STEG Team at [email protected].


Robin BurgessDouglas GollinJoseph P. KaboskiJonathan Leape

Call for Papers- No longer receiving submissions

STEG and the International Growth Centre (IGC) jointly invite applications for papers to present at the Conference on Structural Transformation, Growth, and Economic Development. 

We invite submissions for this conference from interested researchers on broad systemic patterns and processes of structural transformation and growth for low- and middle-income countries. We welcome submissions that consider structural transformation, in a comparative sense across time or space, or on more narrowly defined topics related to one or more of the STEG research themes

  • Data and measurement related to structural transformation 
  • Firms, frictions and spillovers, and industrial policy 
  • Labour, home production, and structural transformation 
  • Agricultural productivity and sectoral gaps 
  • Trade and spatial frictions 
  • Political economy and public investment 

We particularly welcome work that also intersects with one or more of the IGC research themes

  • Internal barriers to firm growth and developing firm capabilities 
  • Market function, linkages, inclusive labour market policies, and structural transformation 
  • International and internal trade and trade policy 
  • Rural-urban migration and resilient cities 
  • Regulation and public investment 

STEG and the IGC are also focused around three cross-cutting issues that are simultaneously relevant to many areas of structural transformation, including the research themes: gender, climate change and the environment, and inequality and inclusion. We particularly welcome papers that additionally address these issues. Papers targeting low-income economies in sub-Saharan Africa are of particular interest. 

For the STEG/IGC/PSDRN workshop on Wednesday 1 February, we particularly welcome submissions that relate to investment frictions in less developed financial markets and/or submissions that relate to the macro-scale impacts of infrastructure investments and other large-scale private investments or technical assistance. The workshop will bring together academics with staffs from DFIs, who provide investment support and business solutions to accelerate structural transformation and sustainable growth in developing countries. 

For both the Conference on Structural Transformation, Growth, and Economic Development and the STEG/IGC/PSDRN workshop, the objective is to add to the body of research and evidence that will inform policy in low-income countries; we consequently seek papers that have clear relevance to this goal. 

The deadline for submission is Monday, 21 November 2022, 23:59 GMT. 

Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

  1. Going to https://hub.cepr.org/ and logging in
  2. After you have logged in, go to https://hub.cepr.org/event/3724 
  3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
  4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
  5. Tick the boxes that apply to you 
  6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information. If you would like to submit the same paper to multiple themes, please ensure you make a separate submission for each theme you wish to submit your paper to.
  7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:

  1. Creating a new profile here https://hub.cepr.org/user/register
  2. After you have logged in, go to https://hub.cepr.org/event/3724 
  3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
  4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
  5. Tick the boxes that apply to you 
  6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information. If you would like to submit the same paper to multiple themes, please ensure you make a separate submission for each theme you wish to submit your paper to.
  7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.