On Thursday, 28 September 2023, at 05:00 PM (CEST), 11:00 AM (EST), 04:00 PM (BST), the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) Media Plurality Research and Policy Network (RPN) held the Launch of the Media Plurality Webinar Series.
This Webinar Series will explore along several episodes the critical issues surrounding media bias, regulation, concentration, and their impact on democratic values. We will explore fresh perspectives from policy experts, innovative research, and global experiences that decrypt the complexities surrounding media regulation in the 21st century.
Marie Frenay (Cabinet of Vice-President Vera Jourova - Values and Transparency, European Commission) and Anna Herold (Head of Unit, Audiovisual and Media Policy, European Commission) who are both at the forefront of shaping media regulation in the European Union, were the speakers of this first Episode.