I defended my PhD at the Department of Economics of the European University Institute in Florence, Italy – currently I am working as an economist at the European Commission’s DG ECFIN. My research interests are of the fields of Monetary Economics and International Macroeconomics, focusing on the interaction of household heterogeneity and monetary-fiscal policies in open economies and currency unions.
Prior to joining the EUI, I have worked at the Monetary Strategy division of the central bank of Hungary preparing the interest rate decisions of the Monetary Council and contributing to the quarterly forecasts of the bank. I also worked for OGResearch, a macroeconomic consultancy involved in macro forecasting for developing countries, as well as in assisting the central banks of these countries in monetary regime changes or capacity building in modelling (in collaboration with the IMF). I have spent my PhD internships at the Bank of England and the European Central Bank.
I hold an MA degree in Economics from the Central European University in Budapest and two BA degrees from the Corvinus University of Budapest, in Applied Economics and in Finance & Accounting.
VoxEU Column
Monetary policy and inequality: A new channel
![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Macroeconomic policy ![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Monetary Policy ![](../../../../../../../../../../var/folders/34/zq18d8kx7kbgby0j06p_j6t40000gn/T/TemporaryItems/NSIRD_screencaptureui_EM2XPo/Screenshot 2022-01-04 at 17.01.16.png)
- Poverty and Income Inequality