Research on monetary economics encompasses a broad array of positive and normative questions related to central banking. How macroeconomic aggregates interact with monetary policy, transmission of monetary policy, what asset prices signal about perceptions of policy are some of these. Policies chosen by central banks and optimal policies that should be chosen are often main research questions. Monetary policy is often studied in conjunction with inflation, economic growth, and unemployment.
The MEF programme also studies business cycles, propagation and amplification of shocks to economic activity, recessions and policies to mitigate their effects, and broad questions of macroeconomic dynamics.
The MEF programme is one of the three successors to the old International Macroeconomics (IM) programme, along with International Macroeconomics and Finance (IMF) and Macroeconomics and Growth (MG).
Key areas covered are:
- Monetary Economics
- Central Banking
- Business Cycles