Giuseppe Bertola

Professore ordinario at University Of Turin

Giuseppe BERTOLA (Ph.D., M.I.T., 1988) is Professore di Economia Politica, Università di Torino (Ordinario since 1996, previously Associato since 1993, on leave in 2011-2015 as Professor of Economics at EDHEC Business School and in 1997-2003 as Full-time professor at the European University Institute) and Socio Corrispondente, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. In 1989-93 he was Assistant Professor and Assistant Director of the International Finance Section at Princeton University. Has been Condirettore of Giornale degli Economisti e Annali di Economia (1996-2012), Managing Editor of Economic Policy (2001-08), a Programme Director of the Labour Economics programme at CEPR (2009-2013), and a member of the European Economic Advisory Group at CESifo (2012-23). Has performed scientific advisory work for the European Commission, the European Central Bank, and other organizations. His research is published in Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Review, European Economic Review, and other academic journals and books. He has authored chapters in Handbook of Labor Economics and Handbook of Income Distribution (North-Holland), coauthored Models for Dynamic Macroeconomics (Oxford University Press) and Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models (Princeton University Press), and co-edited Welfare and Employment in a United Europe and The Economics of Consumer Credit (MIT Press).