After his first degree in Economics at Sapienza University of Rome, Riccardo De Bonis obtained the Bank of Italy award “Bonaldo Stringher”. He earned an M. Phil in Economics at Cambridge University (UK). In 1994–1995 he spent one year at Harvard University (US). Since 1986 he has been working at the Bank of Italy, first in the Banking Supervision Department and since 1992 in the Economics, Statistics and Research Directorate. He was Head of the Money and Banking Statistics Section (1995–2001) and Head of the Monetary and Financial Statistics Division (2001-2010). He is the Deputy Head of the Statistical Analysis Directorate since October 2015.
He represented the Bank of Italy in the ECB Working Group on Money and Banking Statistics and in the OECD Working Party on Financial Statistics. He was a member of the Scientific Committee of “Rivista Bancaria Minerva Bancaria”. He represents the Bank of Italy in the Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics. He is a member of the Italian Society of Economists and of the Money and Finance Research Group (MOFIR).
He has lectured on banking, monetary policy, corporate finance and economic statistics at the University of Cassino, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, at Sapienza University of Rome, and at LUISS. His major fields of interest include banks, financial systems, economic and financial statistics, flow of funds, and economic history.
His recent publications include: “Playing yo-yo with bank competition: New evidence from 1890 to 2014”, with G. Marinelli and F. Vercelli, 2018, Explorations in Economic History, January, 134-151. “Firms’ financial surpluses in advanced economies: the role of net foreign direct investments”, with T. Cesaroni and L. Infante, 2017, Banca d’Italia, Occasional Papers, n. 411, November. “Financial accounts uses”, with C. Giron, L. Infante and G. Quiros, 2017, in Understanding Financial Accounts, edited by Peter van de Ven and Daniele Fano, OECD.
VoxEU Column
How regulation affects bank competition
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- Financial Regulation and Banking