Discussion paper

DP18818 Microequity and Mutuality: Experimental Evidence on Credit with Performance-Contingent Repayment

A large food multinational wishes to help micro-distributors in its supply chain with the financing of a productive asset. Collaborating with the firm in Kenya, we conduct a field experiment to compare asset financing under a traditional debt contract to three alternatives that provide a greater sharing of risk and reward. We find the largest impacts from a novel hybrid contract that combines both debt- and equity-like features. The results suggest substantial mutual benefits for the multinational, its micro-distributors, and stock-points within its supply chain. These findings demonstrate the economic appeal of financing contracts that harness the improved observability of performance data in many low- and middle-income settings.


Cordaro, F, M Fafchamps, C Mayer, M Meki, S Quinn and K Roll (2024), ‘DP18818 Microequity and Mutuality: Experimental Evidence on Credit with Performance-Contingent Repayment‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18818. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp18818