
Learn about groundbreaking new research, commentary and policy ideas from the world's leading economists. Currently presented by Tim Phillips.

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VoxEU Talk

Piketty on equality

Recorded live at CEPR Paris Symposium 2022: Thomas Piketty’s short new book promises A brief history of equality. He tells Tim Phillips about why institutions are precarious, why policymakers should consider the consequences for inequality before they intervene – but also why we should be optimistic about the long-term trends in equality.

Helicopter money
VoxEU Talk

What can helicopter money do?

If you're going to drop lots of money from a helicopter, what will happen to the economy? When would it make a difference, and to who? Helicopter money is increasingly being taken seriously as policy. Ricardo Reis tells Tim Phillips whether helicopter money really can solve our economic problems.

Voxtalk: Helping fathers to acknowledge paternity
VoxEU Talk

Helping fathers to acknowledge paternity

If fathers don't acknowledge paternity, it affects both mother and child. Should the state increase financial support for single parents, should we incentivise marriage – or is there another option? Anna Raute tells Tim Phillips that the surprising impact of an unrelated German social policy suggests there may be.