This Event is no longer receiving submissions.

The financial crisis and the subsequent economic recovery were associated with spectacular price movements in a number asset markets. Understanding these fluctuations and their interactions with the macro economy remains challenging. The conference seeks to bring together innovative work advancing our knowledge of macro-financial linkages. Theoretical and empirical contributions are both welcome. The program of the first conference in this series is available here

Mannheim is located close to Frankfurt airport (30mins train ride). The conference dates are adjacent to the dates of the European Economic Association Congress/Econometric Society European Meeting, which takes place August 27-31, 2018 in Cologne, Germany. Cologne is 1.5 hours by train from Mannheim.

The following participants have confirmed to be keynote speakers at the conference:

Nicola Gennaioli (Bocconi University & CEPR)

Stefan Nagel (Booth School of Business, University of Chicago & CEPR)

The conference organisers are Klaus Adam (University of Mannheim, CEPR and EABCN), Elisa Faraglia (Cambridge University, CEPR and EABCN) and Isabel Schnabel (University of Bonn and CEPR).

Application deadline is 9am (GMT) Tuesday May 1, 2018. Authors will be notified of the final programme by May 31, 2018.

If you would like to submit a paper proposal, please upload a draft with by visiting and indicate whether you would be willing to act as a discussant and if you will be able to cover your own travel and accommodation costs, or whether you will require funding from EABCN. Guidelines on how to register online for CEPR Meetings can be found at: Our meeting application system has moved to a new system, if you have not used this before and have any issues logging in, please get in touch with Mandy Chan at [email protected].

Limited funding is available for travel expenses for academic participants (and in exceptional cirumstances also for institutional participants) presenting or acting as discussants. Expenses will be reimbursed according to the standard CEPR travel guidelines. Costs will generally not be covered for central bank participants.

If you have any difficulty in registering please contact Mandy Chan at [email protected] or +44 207 183 8804.

For more information on EABCN, visit the website and the Facebook page