CEPR, Citadel and ICMB are pleased to invite you to a launch event of the recent publication Monetary Policy Responses to the Post-Pandemic Inflation which will take place in-person on Monday 11 March 2024 in London. We will be joined by Ángel Ubide (Citadel), Catherine Mann (Bank of England) and Sir Charles Bean (LSE and CEPR). The discussion will be chaired by Ugo Panizza (Geneva Graduate Institute, ICMB and CEPR).
Monday 11 March 2024
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (GMT)
One Moorgate Place
Chartered Accountants Hall, 1 Moorgate Pl, London EC2R 6EA, United Kingdom
Register your interest to attend via this form.
On Monday 11 March 2024, CEPR, Citadel and ICMB are jointly hosting a launch event for a new eBook Monetary Policy Responses to the Post-Pandemic Inflation.
Demand rebounded more rapidly than expected after the COVID pandemic. This interacted with a series of unprecedented supply-side shocks around the shutdown and reopening of economies, along with broad-based increases in commodity prices following the invasion of Ukraine. Inflation spiked to the highest level in decades. In response, central banks tightened monetary policy sharply. The book explores the commonalities and differences in countries’ strategies, as well as lessons for the next inflationary episode.
Join one of the editors of the book Ángel Ubide (Head of Economic Research for Global Fixed Income and Macro at Citadel), Catherine Mann (External Member of the Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England & CEPR Distinguished Fellow) and Charles Bean (Professor at the London School of Economics and Chair at CEPR) to discuss these issues at this joint launch event. The discussion will be chaired by Ugo Panizza (Professor at the Graduate Institute Geneva, Director of the ICMB and Vice-President at CEPR).
This is an in-person event.
Please note that the venue capacity is limited. Registering your interest does not guarantee access to the event.
17:00-17:30 Registration & Coffee
17:30-17:35 Opening remarks by Ugo Panizza
17:35-17:50 Presentation by Ángel Ubide
17:50-18:05 Presentation by Catherine Mann
18:05-18:20 Presentation Charles Bean
18:20-19:00 Discussion and audience Q&A
19:00-20:00 Drinks reception
This event is jointly hosted by Citadel, ICMB and The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), an independent, pan-European non-profit organisation.