Discussion paper

DP14532 Credit Provision and Stock Trading: Evidence from the South Sea Bubble

This paper studies the mechanism that relates credit provision to asset prices. On one extreme, cheap credit may reduce the cost of capital and increase prices without trading. On the other extreme, naive borrowers may unsuccessfully ride a bubble. We collect every stock transaction for three major British companies during the 1720 South Sea Bubble. We find that loan holders are more likely to buy (sell) following high (low) returns. Loan holders also subscribe to overvalued shares and incur large trading losses. Our results are driven by traders self-selecting into credit facilities and by credit changing the trading behavior.


Braggion, F, R Frehen and E Jerphanion (2020), ‘DP14532 Credit Provision and Stock Trading: Evidence from the South Sea Bubble‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 14532. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp14532