Discussion paper

DP18588 Social Media and Government Responsiveness: Evidence from Vaccine Procurement in China

This paper studies how public opinion on social media affects local governments' procurement of vaccines in China during 2014-2019. To establish causality, we exploit city-level variation in the eruption of online opinion on vaccine safety, instrumented by quasi-random early penetration of social media. We find that governments in cities exposed to stronger social media shocks increased the share of more-transparent procurement and shifted procurement from small local suppliers to reputable nonlocal suppliers. The effect is driven by posts expressing anti-government sentiment instead of posts containing investigative information and is larger in cities where local officials face higher top-down political pressure.


Mei, Y and Y Wu (2023), ‘DP18588 Social Media and Government Responsiveness: Evidence from Vaccine Procurement in China‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18588. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp18588