VoxEU Column Tight euro area labour markets after Covid-19: The role of labour market mismatch Alessandro Turrini Anneleen Vandeplas Áron Kiss 19 Aug 2022 COVID-19 Labour Markets & Migration
VoxEU Column Needed: Benchmarks for net international investment positions Stefan Zeugner Alessandro Turrini 13 Dec 2019 Financial Regulation and Banking
VoxEU Column Assessing house prices: Insights from a dataset of price level estimates Alessandro Turrini Jean-Charles Bricongne 21 Aug 2019 Global crisis Macroeconomic policy
VoxEU Column Overcoming Eurozone wage inertia Alessandro Turrini Marco Buti 6 Oct 2017 EU policies Labour Markets
VoxEU Column The EU Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure: Some impact and no sanctions Alessandro Turrini Jean-Charles Bricongne 22 Jun 2017 EU policies Macroeconomic policy
VoxEU Column Three waves of convergence. Can Eurozone countries start growing together again? Alessandro Turrini Marco Buti 17 Apr 2015 Europe's nations and regions Macroeconomic policy
VoxEU Column Which factors shape the relationship between manufacturing and government wages? Alessandro Turrini Benedicta Marzinotto 5 Sep 2014 Labour Markets
VoxEU Column Reform and be re-elected: Evidence from the post-crisis period Alessandro Turrini Paul van den Noord Marco Buti 4 Jul 2014 Politics and economics
VoxEU Column What drives the EU labour-market mismatch? Alessandro Turrini Alfonso Arpaia 7 Mar 2014 Labour Markets
VoxEU Column Policy-related uncertainty: At the root of the lost resilience of Eurozone labour markets? Alessandro Turrini Alfonso Arpaia 2 Mar 2013 Europe's nations and regions Labour Markets
VoxEU Column Slow but steady? External adjustment within the Eurozone starts working Alessandro Turrini Marco Buti 12 Nov 2012 EU policies Europe's nations and regions Financial Markets Labour Markets
VoxEU Column Fiscal consolidation in reformed vs. unreformed labour markets Alessandro Turrini 25 Apr 2012 Labour Markets Macroeconomic policy