Discussion paper

DP18975 Landmines: The local effects of demining

Anti-personnel landmines thwart long-term development. However, mine removal may have no impact on socioeconomic outcomes if it fails to achieve full mine clearance. Using geolocated data on demining operations in Colombia and exploiting its staggered adoption, we show that humanitarian demining increases economic activity and academic achievement, especially where market access is superior. Instead, economic activity does not react to partial demining events that occur as a byproduct of ground military operations. Rather, this alternative demining treatment is more likely to exacerbate extractive activities.


Prem, M, M Purroy and J Vargas (2024), ‘DP18975 Landmines: The local effects of demining‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 18975. CEPR Press, Paris & London. https://cepr.org/publications/dp18975