Chiara Criscuolo (OECD)
Henry Overman (LSE and CEPR)
Tony Venables (University of Manchester and CEPR)
Pierre-Philippe Combes (Sciences Po and CEPR)
Insuring Labor Income Shocks: The Role of the Dynasty
Luigi Guiso (EIEF and CEPR), with Andreas Fagereng, Luigi Pistaferri, and Marius A. K. Ring
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
Geneva Report Panel: Debt and Climate
Chair: Ugo Panizza (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Patrick Bolton (Columbia Business School, Imperial College and CEPR)
Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute for the World Economy and CEPR)
Beatrice Weder di Mauro (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Jeromin Zettelmeyer (IMF and CEPR)
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy
Populism RPN
Chair: Sergei Guriev (Sciences Po and CEPR)
The Virus of Fear: The Political Impact of Ebola in the U.S.
Ruben Durante (UPF and CEPR)
Echo Chambers: Does Network Structure Matter?
Maria Petrova (UPF and CEPR)
Why does Consumption fluctuate in old age and how should the government insure it?
Jeanne Commault (Sciences Po), with Richard Blundell, Margherita Borella, and Mariacristina De Nardi
Benoit Coeuré (Autorité de la Concurrence)
Mar Réguant (Northwestern University, Barcelona School of Economics and CEPR)
Rod Sims (ANU)
Martin Watzinger (University of Münster and CEPR)
Amphithéâtre Jeannie de Clarens
Climate Finance
Chair: Franklin Allen (Imperial College London and CEPR)
Optimal Design of Green Securities
Federica Zeni (Imperial College London), with Adelina Barbalau
Climate Risk Disclosure and Institutional Investors
Emirhan Ilhan (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management), with Philipp Krueger, Zacharias Sautner, and Laura Starks
Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy
Panel on European Data
Chair: Ugo Panizza (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Daniel Cohen (Paris School of Economics and CEPR)
Teresa Munzi (LIS Data Center)
Filippo di Mauro (IWH and CompNet)
Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan (University of Maryland and CEPR)
Bruno Tissot (BIS)
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
Barcelona Report Panel: Technology and Finance
Chair: Xavier Vives (IESE Business School and CEPR)
Darrell Duffie (Stanford University)
Thierry Foucault (HEC, Paris and CEPR)
Tara Rice (BIS)
Consequences of the War on Europe and the World
Chair: Beatrice Weder di Mauro (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Keynote speech: Inflation Shocks and Monetary Policy
Philip Lane (ECB and CEPR)
Panel: What does the Crisis change? – Consequences in all areas
Chair: Beatrice Weder di Mauro (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Philippe Martin (Sciences Po and CEPR)
Lucrezia Reichlin (LBS and CEPR)
Lars-Hendrik Röller (ESMT and CEPR)
Yuriy Gorodnichenko (University of California, Berkeley and CEPR)
20:00-23:00 Conference dinner - Bateaux Mouches
Thursday 2 June
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
Chair: Beatrice Weder di Mauro (President, CEPR)
Keynote speech: Europe Refocused
François Villeroy de Galhau (Governor, Banque de France)
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
EEA Panel: Europe Refocused
Chair: Jean Pisani-Ferry (Bruegel, EUI, PIIE, Sciences Po and CEPR)
Agnès Bénassy Quéré (Ministry of Economy and Finance, France, PSE and CEPR)
Francesco Giavazzi (Bocconi University and CEPR)
Luis Garicano (Renew Europe and CEPR)
Macroeconomic Policy Choices at the Current Juncture based on Fiscal policy in the age of Covid: Does it ‘get in all of the cracks’
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas (IMF and CEPR), with Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan, Veronika Penciakova, and Nick Sander
Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy
POLECON: Identity, Norms, Race and Discrimination Chair: Helios Herrera (University of Warwick and CEPR)
Race, Representation and Local Governments in the US South: the Effect of the Voting Rights Act
Cecilia Testa (University of Nottingham)
A Political Economy of Social Discrimination
Stephane Wolton (LSE and CEPR), with Torun Dewan
Amphithéâtre LB/AS
Macroeconomics and Growth: On the optimal design of the welfare state Chair: Franklin Allen (Imperial College London and CEPR)
Chair: Helios Herrera (University of Warwick and CEPR)
Control through Empowerment: Evidence from Nation-Building in Soviet Central Asia
Ekaterina Zhuravskaya (Paris School of Economics and CEPR), with Paul Castañeda Dower and Andrei Markevich
Visual Stereotypes in News Media
Carlo Schwarz (Bocconi University and CEPR), with Elliott Ash, Ruben Durante and Mariia Grebenshchikova
Amphithéâtre LB/AS
Macroeconomics and Growth: Adjustments of workers and firms to shocks
Chair: Franklin Allen (Imperial College London and CEPR)
Going Viral: Propaganda, Persuasion and Polarization in 1932 Hamburg
Bruno Caprettini (University of Zurich), with Hans-Joachim Voth, Marcel Caessmann, and David Yanagizawa-Drott
Breaking the Echo Chamber: Nonviolent Protest and Police Violence on Twitter
Hannes Mueller (IAE(CSIC), BSE and CEPR), with Luis Menendez, Daniel Montolio, and Francesco Slataper
Amphithéâtre LB/AS
International Trade
Chair: Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi University and CEPR)
The Effects of Climate Change on Labor and Capital Reallocation
Paula Bustos (CEMFI and CEPR), with Christoph Albert, and Jacopo Ponticelli
The Web of Power: How Elite Networks Shaped War and China
Ruixue Jia (LSE and CEPR), with Ying Bai and Jiaojiao Yang
Hidden Hostility: Donor Attention and Political Violence
Dominic Rohner (HEC Lausanne and CEPR), with Siwan Anderson, Patrick Francois, and Rogerio Santarrosa
Social Networks, Peer Effects, and Protest Participation
Ruben Enikolopov (UPF, Barcelona School of Economics and CEPR), with Maria Petrova, Aleksey Makarin, and Leonid Polishchuk
Dream jobs in a globalized economy: wage dynamics and international experience
Gianmarco Ottaviano (Bocconi University and CEPR), with Giordano Mion, and Luca David Opromolla
In honour of Richard Portes: Recorded messages by Mario Draghi and Christine Lagarde
Chair: Beatrice Weder di Mauro (President, CEPR)
Panel on Systemic Risk: Where is the next financial crisis coming from?
Chair: Richard Portes (London Business School and CEPR)
Pablo Hernandez de Cos (Governor, Banco de España)
Claudia Buch (Deutsche Bundesbank and CEPR)
Stephen Cecchetti (Brandeis University and CEPR)
18:30-20:00 Drinks Reception - Sciences Po Gardens at 27 Rue Saint-Guillaume
Agnès Bénassy-Quéré (Ministry of Economy and Finance, France, PSE and CEPR)
Giancarlo Corsetti (European University Institute and CEPR)
Moritz Schularick (Sciences Po, University of Bonn and CEPR)
Silvia Ardagna (Barclays)
Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy
Climate Economics RPN
Chair: Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
Luc Laeven (ECB and CEPR)
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti (The Brookings Institution and CEPR)
Lucrezia Reichlin (London Business School and CEPR)
Amphithéâtre LB/AS
Economic History Session: Macro History
Chair: Nathan Sussman (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Macrohistory database
Moritz Schularick (Sciences Po, University of Bonn and CEPR)
The Aftermath of Sovereign Debt Crises: A Narrative Approach
Jason Lennard (LSE and CEPR), with Rui Esteves, and Sean Kenny
Sustainable Finance / Climate Economics RPNs
Chairs: Dirk Schoenmaker (Erasmus University and CEPR) and Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
Joint Panel: After COP26
Chair: Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics and CEPR)
Gilles Moec (Chief Group Economist, AXA)
Mar Réguant (Northwestern University and CEPR)
Rick van der Ploeg (Oxford University and CEPR)
Lucrezia Reichlin (LBS and CEPR)
Amphithéâtre LB/AS
Economic History Session: Economic Effects of Empire
Chair: Steve Broadberry (Oxford University and CEPR)
The global impact of American precious metals
Leticia Arroyo-Abad (CUNY and CEPR)
The Economic Consequences of the Opium War
Wolfgang Keller (University of Colorado, Boulder and CEPR), with Carol Shiue
Amphithéâtre Émile Boutmy
International Lending and Sovereign Debt RPN
Chair: Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute for the World Economy and CEPR)
Modernizing the State During War: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan
Michael Callen (London School of Economics and CEPR)
Childcare, labor supply, and business development: Experimental evidence from Uganda
Selim Gulesci (Trinity College Dublin and CEPR), with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Denise Ferris, Arne Nasgowitz, Vincent Somville, and Lore Vandewalle
Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal
Panel on Sustainable Finance and EU Taxonomy Chair: Nathan Sussman (The Graduate Institute, Geneva and CEPR)
Jan Pieter Krahnen (SAFE, Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR)
Michala Marcussen (Société Générale)
Lucrezia Reichlin (LBS and CEPR)
Benoit Mojon (BIS)
16:30 Coffee & Close
The 2022 Paris Symposium took place at Sciences Po, Paris on 1-3 June and brought together leading voices in European and global economics from across our network. Over 100 speakers were heard across some 78 sessions. While the Symposium itself was invitation only, we are making key moments available in the form of live recordings from all the major panels as well as podcasts recorded at the venue and shorter video interviews, all of which will be added to this page as they are published.
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What does history teach us about the economic impact of populism – and is our taste for populists a bug or a feature of democracy? Tim Phillips talks to Moritz Schularick and Massimo Morelli.
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